Q & A's for Schools
Question: "How do I book a program?"
Answer: Contact me via the “Contact Us” link, email or phone to set a date and time.
What happens next?
I will send you a confirmation email message with an invoice attached as a PDF which you will sign and email back to me.
Can I send a paper contract using snail mail?
Unless you have no other choice, no. Since I am traveling so much for the Star Tour I am not home enough to do this in a timely manner.
How and when is your fee paid?
Typically by check. As per my invoice a deposit of half the fee payment is expected immediately and the remaining balance due at time of program. Exceptions to this are made but payment at time of program is necessary because of the travel involved. I always appreciate being paid before the program begins as it gets a bit busy afterwards getting ready to go outdoors for the telescope viewing and am often being asked many questions.
What are the room setup requirements for the presentation?
All the media I need is a digital projector for my laptop PC computer that I bring with me, a large screen and powerful speakers if available. A podium and one long table up front to one side of the screen are needed for equipment and show & tell items.
What time do you arrive for a program?
Usually 30-60 minutes before the presentation begins, though I may arrive earlier depending on the distance to get there. It is very helpful if a tech person who knows your equipment is available in case there are problems.
Do you need help unloading your equipment when you arrive?
Since I have everything I need on wheels it’s usually no problem. The weight is a bit high so an elevator is needed if on another floor than ground level and if not I certainly would need some extra hands. It would also be helpful to know where to park in advance so I can get as close as possible to the lecture room.
Should I let you know in advance if I don’t plan to be there on the day of your program?
Yes, absolutely! It would also be helpful to know who will be my contact person there that day and full assurance that they have been informed of everything that I have shared with you the weeks/months preceding.
Do you require an introduction?
It is appreciated and I will send you a brief bio to share when doing so.
How long is the indoor presentation part of the program?
Anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 ½ hours for a single assembly, or the entire school day or part of along with an evening session.
How long is the outdoor telescope observing part of the program?
It depends on the number of people attending, but typically 60-90 minutes. I always hope for clear skies to do this and the telescope is always available.
Where do you need to set up the telescope and is the lights a problem?
Usually I set up the telescope (which only takes a minute) by my car in the parking lot. Lights are not a problem because we usually observe bright objects such as the moon and planets.
Is there a limit to the number of people attending a program?
Not as far as I am concerned, so it will depend on the size of your room.
Are there any hidden charges involved with the fee?
No, it is all-inclusive. I am always very grateful to those willing and able to provide hotel accommodations for that night. :)
What format do you use in your presentations?
I use an MS PowerPoint slide presentation format with my laptop PC, so a digital projector and screen are needed. I also incorporate some exciting video footage within the slide show.
What ages are your programs geared for?
I have programs for all grade levels.
Who do you usually book your programs with at the school?
It can be a teacher, department chair, principal, even a superintendent. Sometimes a parent sets it up with their child's school.
Do you have packets or handouts for the students attending the program?
Yes, for all of them. Would you mind making copies of these? If you want to conserve paper when making copies, you can do front and back for the pages that go together. Please put them in the same order as in the PDF file I’ll send you and staple together as a packet.
Answer: Contact me via the “Contact Us” link, email or phone to set a date and time.
What happens next?
I will send you a confirmation email message with an invoice attached as a PDF which you will sign and email back to me.
Can I send a paper contract using snail mail?
Unless you have no other choice, no. Since I am traveling so much for the Star Tour I am not home enough to do this in a timely manner.
How and when is your fee paid?
Typically by check. As per my invoice a deposit of half the fee payment is expected immediately and the remaining balance due at time of program. Exceptions to this are made but payment at time of program is necessary because of the travel involved. I always appreciate being paid before the program begins as it gets a bit busy afterwards getting ready to go outdoors for the telescope viewing and am often being asked many questions.
What are the room setup requirements for the presentation?
All the media I need is a digital projector for my laptop PC computer that I bring with me, a large screen and powerful speakers if available. A podium and one long table up front to one side of the screen are needed for equipment and show & tell items.
What time do you arrive for a program?
Usually 30-60 minutes before the presentation begins, though I may arrive earlier depending on the distance to get there. It is very helpful if a tech person who knows your equipment is available in case there are problems.
Do you need help unloading your equipment when you arrive?
Since I have everything I need on wheels it’s usually no problem. The weight is a bit high so an elevator is needed if on another floor than ground level and if not I certainly would need some extra hands. It would also be helpful to know where to park in advance so I can get as close as possible to the lecture room.
Should I let you know in advance if I don’t plan to be there on the day of your program?
Yes, absolutely! It would also be helpful to know who will be my contact person there that day and full assurance that they have been informed of everything that I have shared with you the weeks/months preceding.
Do you require an introduction?
It is appreciated and I will send you a brief bio to share when doing so.
How long is the indoor presentation part of the program?
Anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 ½ hours for a single assembly, or the entire school day or part of along with an evening session.
How long is the outdoor telescope observing part of the program?
It depends on the number of people attending, but typically 60-90 minutes. I always hope for clear skies to do this and the telescope is always available.
Where do you need to set up the telescope and is the lights a problem?
Usually I set up the telescope (which only takes a minute) by my car in the parking lot. Lights are not a problem because we usually observe bright objects such as the moon and planets.
Is there a limit to the number of people attending a program?
Not as far as I am concerned, so it will depend on the size of your room.
Are there any hidden charges involved with the fee?
No, it is all-inclusive. I am always very grateful to those willing and able to provide hotel accommodations for that night. :)
What format do you use in your presentations?
I use an MS PowerPoint slide presentation format with my laptop PC, so a digital projector and screen are needed. I also incorporate some exciting video footage within the slide show.
What ages are your programs geared for?
I have programs for all grade levels.
Who do you usually book your programs with at the school?
It can be a teacher, department chair, principal, even a superintendent. Sometimes a parent sets it up with their child's school.
Do you have packets or handouts for the students attending the program?
Yes, for all of them. Would you mind making copies of these? If you want to conserve paper when making copies, you can do front and back for the pages that go together. Please put them in the same order as in the PDF file I’ll send you and staple together as a packet.