Starlight Ministries
People of all ages can be inspired to think big, dream big, and to foster curiosity about an enormous universe in which the boundaries appear as unlimited as its Creator. God in His infinite wisdom has created a universe in which His Word aligns perfectly with physical laws discovered in nature, and yet continues to baffle minds of the most brilliant astrophysicists today. The spark of interest often ignites in young minds where the abc's of the universe are brought to light.
People of all ages can be inspired to think big, dream big, and to foster curiosity about an enormous universe in which the boundaries appear as unlimited as its Creator. God in His infinite wisdom has created a universe in which His Word aligns perfectly with physical laws discovered in nature, and yet continues to baffle minds of the most brilliant astrophysicists today. The spark of interest often ignites in young minds where the abc's of the universe are brought to light.
Discover The Glory of God and our Universe
Love in Every Language
Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!
Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!
Individual/Family $75 Save 20% for 3 or more programs Church/Congregation $225 Save 20% for 3 or more programs |